Photography helps people to see.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Day #271

Good evening from the third night of the Camino which is actually being written on the fourth day, if you are as confused as I am then no worries. The night in the ´Fenix´or ´Pheonix´ went really well, it is worth noting that it is called this because the last hostel on the site burnt down and the new one literally rose out of the ashes, the first picture is the sign for it. That night we also met two Americans; John and his son Alex. Today we walked our second section of 25km which was killer. The day started with a 10 km march up a hill to breakfast, after Oreos, donuts and plenty of pastries, we set off for the German hostel in ´La Faba´. The last 6km of the way up to ´La Faba´ was very hard, almost a straight up slope. Soon after we arrived we met a police officer from Holland who was absolutely hilarious. The second photo is rain and the third is me throwing cards, elegantly.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

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