Photography helps people to see.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Day #320

A rather lovely HDR shot.

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, nuqneH (Hello in Cling-on). 

Today, Kinross and Loch Leven were to be explored by Teddy and me. We would do this by boat, by bike and by foot. 

The loch is home to Loch Leven Castle, once the prison for Mary Queen of Scots.

When I was in queen Mary's cell, I realised that I couldn't get any signal on my mobile phone. I don't know how she survived.

(She didn't. She fled and was then executed. And I say my reception is bad...)  

Today also featured a chance meeting with Graham and his wife Pat, two of my grandad's friends. I was told to take some things that he says with a pinch of salt. This puzzled me but as soon as I met him it all became clear. 

Pat: "Hello son, you must be William, Bob's grandson? Oh gosh, you look so much like Matthew [my brother]." 

Graham: "No. Matthew's good looking" 

Yep. Pinch of salt firmly taken.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

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