Photography helps people to see.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Day #272

Happy summer solstice from the suniest place in northern Europe, not. Today after being woken up at 6:00 AM by people with torches, my dad, brother and I did the very British thing of wearing shorts and setting off even in the rain. Everyone from hotter countries like Italy was just staring at us as we left like we were crazy. We reached breakfast and coffee ontop of another large hill which wasn´t too bad especially with Coldplay´s new album playing in my ears. As we were leaving we met up with our friend Málin (my dad says that´s how you spell it) who spent the night at a different hostel. We are now seeing faces that we see in the evening at the hostels and becoming friends with some and on nodding terms with others. As we neared the end of our walk with about  8km to go, we stopped for coca cola and caught our breath. Just as we had sat down and I had ordered the cokes in my perfect (broken) Spanish, a woman began herding about 25 cows out of the barn and up the street. The cows seemed un-phased by the two dogs who were trying to be quite loud. As we checked in and did our washing, ate a huge sandwich and gotten settled at the Municipal hostel in Triacastella, we discovered that Málin was in mine and my brother's room. The room has two bunk beds, the last one being filled by a Spanish girl who I haven't met yet. With the football on the television, it could be a late night!

Until whenever I find Wi-Fi and a computer

Will :) 

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