Photography helps people to see.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Day #192

Will goes walk-abouts. The afternoon today was spent revising and so after two hours of revision I decided to try and walk from my villiage to the coast which is about 5 miles, all was going well until I reached a villiage called "Ringwould", the roads were not a problem, I looked abit wierd carrying my camera equipment and a map fully folded out, but I can deal with wierd. After 30 minutes of walking through very creepy and seemingly seedy woods, I realised that the sunlight was fleeting and I will admit now to all you blog readers that I am afraid of walking through wooded areas in the dark. I was lost in these wierd woods and I needed to get to a point where I could see where I was and figure out where I went wrong, When I got to a main road I was still lost so my dad recieved a call where I pretty much had to tell him I was on a random road and he had to guess where I was, fun evening and I didn't even get a single photo while I was out. Nature-1 Will-0.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

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