Photography helps people to see.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Day #190

Probably one of the coolest T-shirts I own. Today I went over to Folkestone and met up with my friends Arthur and Teddy, we did the usual things like play football and play playstation. This t-shirt was bought in HMV for £12 if anyone is interested. I'm doing the blog early tonight because at 8:30 tonight it is 'Earth hour' where I will turn all power off in my house (or room if my parents say no) and hopefulyl save a nice cuddly polar bear, I urge you to do the same, and maybe, if we all join in with 'Earth hour', we can drop the viewing figures for take me out dramatically and do good in this world.

Until tomorrow
Will :)

Friday, 30 March 2012

Day #189

You might think that this is just a cute stone statue of a girl holding something, but if you've seen the 'Doctor who' episodes where the stone creatures come to life, you might forgive me for being quite apprehensive of this young lady. Today I got myself a shiny new haircut, where I overheard one of the barbers say to another "You know this recession, well I reckon what the government should do is take away one month salery from everyone in the country and we will be sorted", I think this man should be priminister.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Day #188

If anyone out there has a 'firewire' cable that they would lend me, I would really appreciate it. Tonight I have had way too much to do and think about so this will just be a quick one.

Until tomorrow (where I will most probably re-edit this one)

Will :)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Day #187

A triple photo for today-and you say I don't treat you right on my blog. This week has been hot, suspiciously hot so I have a feeling that it is about to get much colder very soon. I made the most of my evening, I had my first ice cream of the year, I kicked a ball around my garden aimlessly and I got chased by a wasp nearly out of my garden. The first picture is of Dover harbour where I was trying to get some cool light trails going but my parents didn't have the patience to do long exposures and they didn't want to leave me alone on the cliff tops because I might do something, stupid?....

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Day #186

Look, pretty colours. 186 days into the blog and I have just noticed the bar above the photo that means I can do loads of cool stuff like putting a sneaky link on today's photo to my flickr page or underlining bits I think are really important. Back to normal Will rather than short attention span, easily amused Will...what am I talking about they are the same thing! Today we had an olympic swimmer come into our school to talk to us, he won a gold medal at the Common wealth games and is retired, his job now is to be the guy that won that gold medal and go into schools and tell people about it. I also mentioned in yesterday's blog post that my friend Teddy and I had an idea, I think I will slowly give clues until it actually has happened, but the idea will be called 'Qthemusic' and potentially could be quite trajic.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Day #185

Here's to turning the camera sideways. So today was a nice day outside which means you have to make the most of every minute, I for one spent the afternoon in my garden playing guitar to random strangers who walk down my road. My friend Teddy came up with a really good idea for a small project we could get going, I will speak more on details when they are talked through but potentially it could be pretty cool. The first picture was taken in the evening and the second is my keyboard which I don't play much in my music room (conservatory). I am now spending the evening learning some of the Beatles' classics on guitar. (Not a bad way to spend the evening)

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Day #184

Before and after in the same frame. About a year ago a lady walked down our driveway and gave my family loads of photos of our house when it was on sale about 4 or 5 years ago. I got hold of a few of these photos and did this with them, its literally just me holding them, clever angles rather than clever computer software. In the afternoon I made cookies with my mum to cheer myself up after the melancholia feel that these photos had given me. Then I found the coolest visual band like ever! A link to their channel is below, trust me, a few of them will really impress you, like playing instruments with a rally car.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Day #183

Hottest day so far this year and I get a cold, typical Will. Today I have been out so haven't really used my camera much. This picture was taken in the car on the way home so thanks to my dad for putting up with me taking photos in the car. I got in and saw my nan and grandad - kudos to my grandad for growing a beard it looks pretty cool. By saying that I risk being ex-communicated.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Day #182

Spring has sprung but it feels like summer. Today was spent cutting the grass after school and watching the sun go down. This weekend is set to be really warm, who knows, I may crack out the shorts, my legs haven't seen natural light since last year.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Day #181

Technology is fantastic-when it wants to be. Today has been one of the longest day I have had in a long time, but its okay, because I had Oreos. The Spring concert went really well tonight and music is being revived in the school with more and more people coming to concerts. I played my guitar without any mystakes, the only problem was the amp that kept cutting out but I think I blagged it. There were some fantastic musicians and I think a good time was had by all. The evening was finished with a drum solo that deafend me but my dad thought that it wasn't loud enough, thats the Scottish for you.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Day #180

Three today because I am greedy and I want to take up as much of your internet space as possible. A quick post tonight because I have been at a revision evening and I am in a bad mood because I have lost my lens cap. These threee pictures were taken when I went for a walk after school, the second and third pictures are two that I took with my external flash which is pretty powerful.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Day #179

Not alot has changed in 5 years. A very quick one tonight. I had been at my girlfriend's house and hadn't taken any pictures so when I got in I found this card, its what everyone thought of me at the end of year six, there are alot of "funny" and "cool", these are from people who had no idea what to write about me I think.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Monday, 19 March 2012

Day #178

I have too much time on my hands. Please tell me you got that joke, it was made by my friend Solomon in our maths class - I don't even write my own stuff anymore. Today's shot was made with my new external flash which is super powerful, although I had to use a tripod and a self timer so there are about six shots of my neck because I have aimed too high.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day #177

Happy mother's day, now help me wash the car? This weekend has been another great one. We washed the cars and I watched quite alot of television, I think that is a Sunday well spent. I am now going to panic because I have school tomorrow and there is probably a piece of work not quite finished, although if you are my dad reading this then I am all ready and the banging and breaking sounds coming from upstairs are totally unrelated.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Day #176

Throw your cares into the ocean, and if you cant throw very far, settle for a rock pool. Today  two friends and I went to Sanfire ho (yes, again) and despite the cold and the rain it was pretty nice. The photo today was taken by one of my friends who I think you will agree has a great eye for photography. Today I also found an external flash from 1985 which is really powerful, nearly 5 times as powerful as the one on the camera itself. I promise I will not burn myself on this flash.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Friday, 16 March 2012

Day #175

A book shelf of contrasts. Just a quick one today, this is the small books on our bookshelf aswell as a distance map measuring...device. The huge contrast comes in because the Oxford dictionary is directly next to a drinking games book.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Day #174

Trainspotting for a day. Non stop work was followed with a trip to Sanfire ho with my mum. Once again I am too tired to write a huge paragraph ending with you thinking "Oh Will, what are you like?". I promise I will do something embarrassing soon. The first photo is a picture of my mum walking  and the second is the bike racks.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Day #173

The world is in economic crisis with a hint of pollution and global warming but here's a picture of my dog and a flower just to cheer you up.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Day #172

Happy..Earmuff day. I haven't got much to say tonight, today was a pretty average day with not alot going for it. The first photo is an idea I found on someone's flickr page and I thought I would try it, the only downside is I had nobody to hold the second spoon, fairy liquid went pretty much everywhere. The second photo is a rubber band ball, I have only put it in because I wasn't 100% happy with the first photo.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Monday, 12 March 2012

Day #171

Escape from the bottom of the deep blue sink. Today I took my lego men and put them in the sink, then they tried all they could to escape (no I haven't been at the medicine cabinet). Whenever I take photos to do with water I get soaked, it was all fine until the point where I had to manually focus on the lego man, my hand went for the camera and then it brushed under the tap, the pressure created squirted the water all over me and so I was stood there thinking "If the lego men could laugh, right now, they would be chuckling pretty hard at me", thank god they can't.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Day #170

The perfect weekend, and to finish it off, blowing up one of Kent's landmarks, win! Today I got up at 7 to watch/film/take pictures of the Richborough power station being deconstructed. I arrived, walked a mile towards them and found that there were lots of photographers and film crews in a car park which had the clearest view of the huge structures. I was rubbng shoulders with the ITV camera men and BBC (local) news correspondants, my two cameras looked pathetic compared to theirs but I didn't mind, I lined my tripod alongside theirs and waited. Today's pictures are of my bridge camera all lined up for filming and the second is a video of the towers being demolished, the third is three of the pictures I took.

(Also, I might add that the voices you can hear are of the family who were standing next to me)

Until tomorrow (where it will be less like a diary)

Will :)

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Day #169

Camp crazy day out in East Studdal. Today my girlfriend came over and we took a walk round my village and through the woods, she took 200 photos in total and some of them are realy good. I thought about uploading four of me but I though that would be really boring! It was really really warm today so while walking back home  I took a rest on a grit bin, people driving past looked quite confused but I think they were actually quite amused by a lanky teenage boy trying to fit onto a small grit box and looking relaxed at the same time. The second is of me jumping and clicking my heels together.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Friday, 9 March 2012

Day #168

K398. Today, I came out my door and saw a man walking through my village wearing shorts and nothing else, he is the bravest man I saw today. Lately I have really been getting into folk music, my favourite artist right now is Dirk Powell and is a link o my favourite song he has covered. If you want n amazing visual guitarist then you want Jon Gomm, this is his version of 'Passion flower' which is unbelievably unreal...

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day #167

The moon is full, bright and it lights up my street (with an exposure of 10 seconds for good measure). My village is creepy at night, I decided to walk to the park to get a better shot of the full moon, realised my lens wouldn't make it a very good picture, then turned round and walked home because I heard a creepy noise. This was taken at the front of my garden.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Day #166

Input a photo here. Today I have been ill so this will be a quick one today, I spent the day sleeping and reading my text for English, this is my guitar tuner on my pj's.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Day #165

165 days down, 200 to go. Today I had my Spanish oral which went suprisingly well, it was all going swimmingly up until the point where I had to ask my spanish teacher two questions about sport and things related, I asked a cracking first question which was 'Do you like football?', I hadn't thought of a second one so I panicked and quickly asked 'Do you have a healthy lifestyle?', honestly, nothing was implied! The two photos today are: a gnome that I found and have called Fredrick and the two lights in my garage.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Monday, 5 March 2012

Day #164

Happy birthday! Tonight I have been at my girlfriend's because it was her birthday so appologies that this is later than usual. The cake in the photo was made by her grandma and was really nice. My evening was made however by my Dad, who on the way home when we came across a reasonable sized puddle drove through it (nothing crazy there), because the water splashed up, I said something along the lines of "woah!", he then replied with "thats nothing, theres a bigger puddle up ahead", the "puddle" had actually spread across the entire road and was pretty deep, my dad, a true Scotsman.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Day #163

Special effects are over-rated, a bottle of flash surface cleaner is all I need. Today was spent cleaning and re-arranging my room (really, if you have been in my room before, you wouldn't recognise it). This photo was taken by holding a bottle of 'Flash surface cleaner' infront of the flash and pointed it at the landing light, no editing has been done to this. I know what you're thinking, "But will, you put stuff infront of your flash last time but you burnt yourself?", no today I kept myself well away from the flash.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Day #162

162 days and still not bored of taking pictures of water. So today I went and got my hair cut and whoever cuts my hair always tells me that I have thick hair and that I wont be going bald in a hurry, I save the conversation and agree with them wheras I could tell them that my dad is going bald and my Grandad went bald in his 20's! Today's photo was an Idea I got from a friend, so cheers for that, I just threw some water on a blank disk and once again, I am soaked.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Friday, 2 March 2012

Day #161

"By the skin of your teeth son". My day started pretty normally, had breakfast, got ready, packed my bag and was leaving, this would have been fine if I wasn't late by ten minutes (If my dad is reading this, I wasn't late at all and you should stop reading). I panicked and ran through my village, I don't run very often so this was pretty serious. In my sleepy village, people don't really run, they kind of bimble, so this seemed to be a special event for everyone, watching a frantic teenage boy run like a chicken for a bus that hadn't arrived yet.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Day #160

Pinch, punch first day of the month...Oww, that hurt man, not cool. So this is 'Douglas' my classical guitar which I have not seen fully for about 3 years, it is the guitar I leant to two of my friends, who then promptly gave up guitar. After having it back, I am slowly falling in love with it again, so I drew a cat's face on it. The two photos were taken by my girlfriend when she came over tonight, I look at these two pictures and feel guilty because 'Phil' (My black guitar in the background) looks left out, left hanging on the wall.

Until tomorrow (Where the blog will be slightly more sane)

Will :)