Photography helps people to see.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Day #7

So today I took this photo, its of the leas in the evening, appologies for the bad quality

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Day #6

So today I got my prefect badge, its the badge on the right. The badge on the left is my house captain badge from primary school. 'Fiat Lux' means 'Let there be light' in latin. So from house captain to prefect...

Until tomorrow


Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Day #5

So today was band practice, the first picture of me and my mate Jamie playing in the sun on our quad, and the second is our shaker, on a bongo drum with drumsticks belonging to my mate Luca. It was nice because the weather was great and our headteacher came down to show me right up on my guitar!

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Day #4

Happy world tourism day :)

Its world tourism day, so I took a picture of a fan I got from Spain and Italy, enjoy :)

Until Tomorrow


Monday, 26 September 2011

Day #3

My first picture is of the back of my school shoe after a long hard day at school, its been knocked about abit but nothing that a good bit of polish can't fix. My second picture is of the sunset at San fire hoe, really nice down there and I thought the sun reflected nicely in the water.

Until tomorrow

Will :)

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Day #2

Waking up early is never fun, especially if it is to watch your team lose at something. I took this photo after Scotland lost in the rugby to Argentina, its the emblems on my football and rugby tops, maybe when they play England will be better but I somehow doubt it.

Until tomorrow


Saturday, 24 September 2011

Day #1

This is going to be my attempt at a project 365. I haven't got an amazing camera and I'm not sure how long I will last, but I want to give it a go :)

Double photo for the first day.

The first picture that I took was of a squirrel that would not leave me alone while I was waiting for my friend. I took a a few pictures and this is the one that came out best. My second picture is of the symbol indicating where the Folkestone Triennial is taking place. I took it because my friend and I have now seen everything at the Triennial one day before it finishes.

Until tomorrow
